Friday, November 27, 2009

How are people accessing my private profile on myspace?

Two weeks ago I set my myspace to private. Since then on my myspace tracker I have noticed IP addresses and states that are not my friends. And today, I noticed that my sisters husband's ex-wife accessed it and she is not on my friends list. The main reason I blocked it is because my fiancee's ex-wife was stalking it (like about 10 times a day) for months, and unfortunately going out to my friends and reading my comments to them. Of which I cannot control when theirs is not private. My fiancee's ex-wife would send me very mean messages and emails. Needless to say she hates me because I am with her ex and I ignore her stupidity with silence and she can't stand the fact that I don't reply to her and her games. She just recently caused me some serious trouble, and I moved several months ago 1000 miles away to get away from her and her drama. Yet she still stalks me and messes with my life. I don't want her finding away to get into my myspace and stalking me and my family again

How are people accessing my private profile on myspace?

I know myspace is a big deal to a lot of people.

But you could just delete your profile all together. Maybe start a new one under an alias or something.

How are people accessing my private profile on myspace?

The tracker that you are using could be logging people that are just visiting your page such even though the page is viewed as private. another reason you may have ip's that you dont know is that someone may have been at work and used a proxy to view your page... The only other reason I can think of that it may log those proxys is that someones myspace was hacked ( the macy's 500$ gift card ads?). anyways gl

How are people accessing my private profile on myspace?

Save the emails as evidence and report her to the proper authorities?

Assuming that her mean emails are threatening, the police (or a lawyer) might be able to do something about it. Even if she has yet to threaten you, it's best to keep this kind of thing documented, so when/if something does happen, there's forewarning, and it's not just your word vs. hers.

How are people accessing my private profile on myspace?

Even if your page is private people can click on your picture when it shows up in a search. Theyll then go to you page BUT it WILL be private and just show your pic/headline..and it will say that user has to add you to see their page.

How are people accessing my private profile on myspace?

I don't know.

But you could always just delete your profile and make a new one but don't use your real name.

How are people accessing my private profile on myspace?

Anyone can go to your page. When they go it only shows your display picture and then it says that your page is private.

How are people accessing my private profile on myspace?

I too have my profile set to private, and I use trakzor, and I thought people were looking at my profile, because it also came up with people clear from arizona, and california, and I was like I don't know anyone from those places, well I do, just no on myspace, so I called them up, and asked them, they said it told them it was private, then a few days later, I realized my tracker records people whether they saw my profile or not, even if they get that thing that says you must be a friend of this person to view his/her profile, it still records them, so don't flip out, they didn't see your profile, hope this helps (:

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