Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Ugly girls with private myspace profiles?

I understand hot girls who get all sorts of messages making their profiles private, but I know some not so attractive girls who have private profiles. Does making your profile private raise your perceived status?

Ugly girls with private myspace profiles?

No. If you're under a certain age then it does it automatically.

They have as much right to have a private profile as anyone else.

Ugly girls with private myspace profiles?

No but sometimes you don't want people that aren't your friends looking at it and possibly making fun of you or knowing whats going on with your life. Mine is not on private, but I know people that have theirs set on private for those reasons.

P.S. Maybe shes not so ugly since you obviously want to look at her profile.

Ugly girls with private myspace profiles?


sometimes i dont add

ppl cuz i cant see

there profile...

but sometimes i add them

just 2 see there profile..

if there gross


but w.e

its 50/50

Ugly girls with private myspace profiles?

I'm sorry I must have missed that. I didn't know you had to look a certain way to have privacy. I thought everyone had the right to have a private page.

Ugly girls with private myspace profiles?

many those ugly girls just dont want people trying to stalk them? Internet can get creepy, with the right knowlage anything is possible.

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