Monday, December 28, 2009

How do I set my picture on myspace private?

You can't make your default picture private but you can make the pictures in a certain album private by viewing your albums and clicking on where it says "public" underneath the album, then selecting "private" from the drop down menu. If you want to make your profile private, when you edit your profile, click on "account settings" at the top right, then click the "privacy" link and select the radio button that says "my friends only" under "Profile viewable by:"

How do I set my picture on myspace private?

go to profile settings and click private...only allow people you approve to see your page.

How do I set my picture on myspace private?

just go into your account setting and make it so that only friends can see your photos or that your photos are private, both options are there.

How do I set my picture on myspace private?

go into account settings, and click the tab at the top that says privacy.!

How do I set my picture on myspace private?

you go to where it says edit and it will have a list and put show to friends only..

How do I set my picture on myspace private?

Go to edit profile and set it to private.

How do I set my picture on myspace private?

Not trying to burst your bubble...but if people really want to see you pics, setting them as private won't help. There are many website with scripts that allow them to see your prviate photos.


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